Bunk Bed Yoga Stretches for the End of Your Pilgrimage Day

I saw this on one of the Camino Facebook groups and thought it was too good not to share.  Elle Bieling, RN, RYT, Holistic Health Coach, shows how you can prevent injury on the Camino by doing basic stretches in bed.

“Stretching after a day of continual walking is mandatory to undo the repetitive motion damage that happens within your tissues on your pilgrimage. A mindful session of stretching improves blood flow, reduces tension, relaxes and elongates your muscles, tendons and ligaments, juices your joints and helps you recover more fully for your next day of walking.” ~ Elle Bieling, RN, RYT, Holistic Health Coach


Read more: Bunk Bed Yoga Stretches for the End of Your Camino Day

I believe yoga can help prevent injury on the Camino. Elle has done a fantastic job putting all these poses together. I suggest you practice these at home to become familiar with the poses. Elle knows her stuff about the Camino too! Check out her blog at PilgrimageTraveler.com.


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